I’d like to take this opportunity to update our friends and patrons on what our friend Kane Fisher
has been doing this summer. As one of the more important and successful treasure divers, he has
been busy.
Kane has been working on treasure lost from the Spanish Galleon, Capitana which was captained
by General Ubila; his galleon shipwrecked several hundred feet off the Florida coast. Along
with nine other treasure ships know as the 1715 Spanish Fleet, Kane has established a trail of
artifacts over the past several years finding gold and silver coins as well as jewelry pieces that
were intended for the Queen of Spain.
Over time, Kane and his crew have found two beautiful gold and diamond broches and a pair of
pineapple shaped earrings that had 448 diamonds mounted on four pieces of jewelry. The
jewelry pieces were found in only 5 feet of water!
Just north of where he found the jewelry, he found 6 cannons on the seaward side of a reef and
only 30 feet from the beach. Just north of the cannons, he found five gold rosaries with a
crucifix and 3 gold medallions on each rosary.
The trail of the Capitana has lain a trail of riches and Kane’s plan is to follow that trail north to
search for the rest of the Queen’s jewels. Let’s all wish him great success and “Stay Tuned” as
we follow his seaward ventures.
Phil Prichard